Though the firm had engaged Eden Health in 2020 to provide COVID-19 screening and prevention, employees soon discovered that Eden’s full scope of care was designed to make their lives easier. ECP’s people now had access to primary medical care, mental health care, and benefits navigation through a single app. The high quality of care and easy, 24/7 access to providers has helped to make Eden healthcare even more popular.
The COVID-19 solution came at a great time for ECP’s controller Alexandra Termini, who had a lot to deal with already. “We have been busy throughout our entire firm, but it is important to also always keep focus on Human Resources.” Suddenly, Termini was tasked with keeping her workplace COVID safe as well, which brought some changes to the workplace. “At the New Jersey location, we are operating at 25% capacity for safety reasons, which means we have eight to ten people in the office on any given day. The cubicles now all have plexiglass on the sides and front. We are also not allowing more than four people in our kitchen at a time, and to avoid congregation, we ask folks to eat elsewhere. We are being very cautious.”
Daily Screenings For Ongoing Safety
To maintain that safety in the workplace, ECP needed a health partner to screen employees and track those with possible infections. “Initially the idea of our engagement with Eden was the COVID-19 screening. We didn’t want the receptionist checking people’s temperatures when they’re coming into the office. And we needed good record-keeping because if someone on-site tested positive for COVID, we would like to have the capability to trace back and see who was in the
office those days.”
Even with limited staff onsite each day, ECP had Eden implement Active Daily Monitoring, in which workers take their temperature and complete a screening questionnaire before coming into the office. “We wanted to start getting people trained for this, and to feel comfortable that fellow colleagues were also following the rules. We’re very strict with it. And there’s no excuse for not completing the screening. It has to get done.”
The screening questionnaire also helps ECP track subtle but important details of employee travel. “We’ve had situations where people came back from states that would require quarantining, and the app told them to isolate and stay home. That list of states changes quickly so it’s tricky, but Eden was on top of it.” Termini is a big fan of the Eden dashboard, which shows employees’ screening and onsite status each day. “I look at it every morning to see which employees have cleared and which are being instructed to isolate. That’s a huge help in managing resources.”
Finding a New Level Of Care
A few months after ECP started Active Daily Monitoring, an interesting thing happened: employees began to utilize Eden’s full scope of care. They realized they had access to primary care, mental health care, and benefits navigation, all delivered through a convenient mobile app.
“Although we knew Eden offered total employee care, we gave our employees a full range of options, and more and more people are choosing Eden,” Termini explains. “They’ve had a good experience doing the screenings and they feel comfortable with Eden — it’s a familiar name in our culture. On the app, they’ve seen that Eden offers preventative care, specialist referrals, prescription refills, chronic care, and more, so that when the time comes, they reach out to Eden for care.”
And the care they receive is of much higher quality than, say, your average urgent care office. Eden Health’s secret weapon is its integrated 360 care, meaning that it considers all aspects of a patient’s health, both physical and mental. Eden’s providers are in constant communication with each other as they strive to help patients meet their health goals. Care is delivered both through the mobile app (via messages and video visits) and at Eden’s medical offices.
On the app, they’ve seen that Eden offers preventative care, specialist referrals, prescription refills, chronic care and more, so that when the time comes, they reach out to Eden for care.
In-Person Care, Just Around the Corner
Though Eden Health’s locations are strategically located in business districts, they’ve also proven to be convenient for ECP staff working from home, says Termini. “We have numerous employees that live in New York City, so they’ve been able to go to the offices there. And now that there’s an office in New Jersey, that’s huge for my firm. The Berkeley Heights location is very close to our office, so a lot of our employees have been going there, especially recently. That’s going to be important once we’re back in the office, as people can quickly get to Berkeley Heights and back to our office in no time.”
In terms of care locations, proximity means productivity. “An employee told me that, before Eden, it used to take him a whole day to get a physical because he had to go into the city, since that’s where his doctor was,” notes Termini. “With Eden, it’s easy — they’re nearby, it’s quick to make an appointment, and there’s no wait time. You’re in and out. It’s seamless. That makes my people more productive at work because they’re not wasting time traveling or sitting around.”

An Answer for Every Question
ECP employees can get great care with no travel at all. By using the Eden mobile app, they can get fast, reliable answers to all sorts of medical questions. Termini says, “Being able to ask even simple medical questions is where Eden really benefits ECP. We’ve all had a condition, like a rash or a fever, that we look it up online, find some crazy diagnosis, and start to worry. Why waste all that time and get yourself all worked up? Send a message to Eden Health, talk to a medical professional, and let them advise you. It’s almost like having a friend in medicine that you feel comfortable asking questions to, without having to go anywhere.”
Eden is diligent with patients’ follow-up care as well — “They message you to say, ‘Hey, how are you doing? Have things gotten better?’ They don’t just give you a generic answer. They’re very friendly and it shows that they care.”
A Partner for HR as Well
Eden also welcomes questions from HR professionals like Alexandra Termini. “The communication between Eden Health and the employer is remarkable. I can reach out asking any questions about employee health and get a response — a detailed response — in no time. People jump on it at the Eden Health side: I’m not waiting four or five hours for a response, which is crucial as my questions are usually time-sensitive.”
In addition to optimizing employee health, Eden Health helps enterprise in another significant way: as an appealing employee perk that attracts and retains talent. As Termini says, “Having this added benefit is a positive for the employer showing the employee, ‘we really care about you, look what else we’re offering you.’ Eden makes that benefit package even more fulsome; it shows that the partners of the firm really do care.”
Steady Care in Turbulent Times
At ECP, the popularity of Eden’s care continues to grow: “I haven’t heard anything negative at all,” Termini tells us, and she’s recommended the service to others. “What I would tell someone considering using Eden is — it’s easy. It’s like a concierge healthcare service that’s right at your fingertips. It’s on your phone, which is always with you. Whether you’re using the app to make appointments or ask questions, it’s simple. It’s just like sending text messages.”
“Again, no complaints from employees — having the COVID-19 screenings on their phones benefits all. It’s like second nature to everyone.” Overall, Alexandra Termini is thrilled with the results that Active Daily Monitoring has delivered for her team at ECP. “In terms of eliminating workplace spread, I think our leadership has taken all the right measures to provide its employees with a safe workplace environment.” And these days, effective COVID-19 prevention and compassionate care for employees is everything an employer could ask for.