How Eden Health collaborates with your existing doctor to provide comprehensive care you can trust.
We often get asked “how can Eden support me if I already have a primary care doctor (PCP)?” The answer is simple – we can work with your existing provider to co-manage your care, ensuring you receive the most comprehensive care possible. Our goal is not to replace your provider, but rather to be an additional resource and a trusted partner in your healthcare journey.
Navigating the healthcare system can be overwhelming, and we understand the challenges it can present. That’s why we’re here to offer our support and to be your trusted partner in managing all your healthcare needs.
We’ll work closely with your current PCP to ensure that you stay up to date with preventive health screening, provide assistance with referrals, help with refills, and address any clinical questions or concerns that may arise.
Consider us your dedicated healthcare advocate!
What is Co-Managed Care?
At Eden, we’re committed to providing exceptional primary care, which means embracing a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach that puts you at the center of your healthcare journey. This approach involves seamless coordination with your PCP and other specialists to ensure you have a comprehensive and personalized care plan.
We’re here to advocate for you and to help coordinate the many moving parts of your care. This is the essence of co-managed care.
Who Can Benefit from Co-Managed Care?
Any patient who would like to continue working with their current PCP but also access the benefits of having a board-certified medical provider at Eden Health to help support and guide them through their healthcare journey.
What Does Co-Managed Care Look Like?
Co-management of care will look different for every patient, as it’s based on individual needs and goals, but one thing will remain consistent – our commitment to working closely with your PCP to make sure you receive the best possible care.
How We’ll Coordinate with your PCP
Effective communication with your PCP is essential for ensuring coordinated and comprehensive healthcare. At Eden Health, we prioritize collaboration and will take the following steps to establish clear lines of communication and share relevant information with your PCP.
- Medical Records Review: We can request and review medical records from your PCP to ensure that your Eden Health chart is complete and up to date. Having access to your medical history helps us provide you with the best possible care.
- Coordinated Care Updates: We’ll make sure your PCP stays in the loop whenever you see us for a visit. We’ll provide updates on any screenings, labs, or tests we’ve ordered, and we’ll share results as needed.
- After Visit Summaries for all Eden Health visits: After each visit with us, you will receive an After Visit Summary (AVS). These summaries contain essential information about your visit, including diagnoses, treatment plans, and next steps. You can easily share these summaries with your PCP to keep them informed about your care and progress.
Examples of Co-Managed Care:
- Personalized Support: We can help you complete necessary screenings, labs, or tests recommended by your PCP or recommended for your age and personal risk factors. We can also order clinical tests as needed, review results, and share these results with your PCP.
- Expert Second Opinions: Need a second opinion, but don’t want to wait 3 months for an appointment? We have access to hundreds of specialists through eConsults that can provide you with expert second opinions for any current diagnosis or treatment plans you may have within hours in most cases.
- Specialized Clinical Support: During a routine check-in with your doctor, it may not feel like you have time to discuss the more specific areas of your health that you’d like to focus on. At Eden, we aim to provide care that is tailored to you, and we do this by taking the time to really understand your goals and needs and offering the appropriate specialized support.
Our team specializes in a variety of targeted health areas, including:
- Blood Pressure Control: Think of us as your accountability partners. Our team will have regular check-ins to monitor your progress, make sure your medications are working well, and counsel on lifestyle changes that can lower your blood pressure.
- Diabetes: Diabetes is about more than just a number, which is why we’re committed to a holistic, patient-centered approach when determining your plan of care. We’ll examine all aspects of this complex disease, including mental health, physical activity, stress, and more, and we’ll work with you to develop a Care Plan that addresses your total health, rather than just your blood sugar levels.
- Weight Management: Obesity is a multifactorial chronic disease, caused by more than one trait or health problem, and we treat it accordingly – with a multifaceted, evidence-based, and individualized approach.
- Smoking Cessation: We know that quitting is not an easy process, and it may even take multiple attempts to quit completely. If you’re interested in learning more, we have multiple strategies to help you quit, and we’ll support you every step of the way.
- Mental Health: Physical and mental health go hand-in-hand, and we’re here to make sure you stay feeling your best. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, sleep better, or something more complex, we’re here to help.
- Health Navigation Support: Healthcare is complicated, and our Healthcare Navigators are here to help create a seamless care experience. Our team will work behind the scenes to organize specialty care, handle medical record transfers, facilitate specialty referrals, and more, allowing you to focus on what matters most – your health!
Still have questions? Reach out to your Care Team via the Eden Health app.
This blog is intended to be informational in nature. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please talk to your Care Team or other healthcare provider. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this blog or in any linked materials.